Chats with Monika: How to make your blended family work
Tips to Be Successful as a Blended family
o Make decisions together.
o How do you perceive your role as a parent of the child? You and your partner should have a conversation about this topic.
o Don’t throw mistakes in your partner’s face.
o Talk about what is not working, and how you can work to change those things that are not working.
o When you don’t say anything, it may bring about uncomfortable feelings. Be open to allowing conversation.
o Bring the children in and allow them to take part in the conversation. Allowing children to express feelings and not have penalties for their feelings can be a gift.
o Model respect by expressing your feelings without being disrespectful. Use this as a teaching moment.
o This is the child’s parent, so be careful when having conversations around the children
o Show respect toward the biological parent. Do not make negative statements about their parent. Control yourself and your emotions.
o Allow your household to be a peaceful place by not allowing the other parent “to walk around in your house.”